Outsource Wedding Video Editing

We work with some of the world’s leading wedding studios to help them keep on top of their post-production

Finally, an outsource wedding video editing company that can deliver consistently high quality wedding videos

Great quality outsource wedding video editing that is fast and affordable

Studio Moguls is here to deliver high-quality outsource wedding video editing – at a fraction of the price of our competitors

Studio Moguls has all the tools to help every studio go from editing overwhelm to freedom – at a price point that makes sense. Start your outsource wedding video editing journey with Studio Moguls today!

Train your editor

We give you unparalleled access to speak to your editor directly and offer training and feedback on your outsource wedding video editing projects

Fluent english speaking editors

Our outsource wedding video editing team have great English speaking abilities – so communication is always fluid

Australian based customer support team

Regardless of what happens in our offshore office, our Australian based support team is always available to step in and assist 

Risk Free Trial

Send your first outsource wedding video editing project to us and if you are not 100% happy with the results we produce, you don’t pay!

Fast Turnaround

We are usually available to meet the tightest of deadlines when necessary.

Unlimited Changes / Revisions

We are here to get your outsource wedding video editing project to “client approval”. Whatever changes are needed, send them through and we will accommodate you

Outsource Wedding Video Editing Pricing that is Simple, Easy & Flexible

All prices listed below for our outsource wedding video editing are in USD
** 10% GST will be added for Australian clients **
* Data is charged on top at 0.10c per gig you transfer to us *

Outsource Wedding Video Editing: A Short Guide to Navigating the Obstacles and Building Lasting Success

Written by Richard Mills (Founder of Studio Moguls and owner of a wedding studio that has done more than 1,500 weddings since 2010)

studiomoguls owner richardmills

We know that editing style & quality of work is everything to you.
That is why my commitment TO ALL OF OUR PARTNER STUDIOS is that the Studio Moguls outsource wedding video editing team will do everything within our powers to be fully adaptable to your own unique wedding video editing style. We will not only aim to match it – but we want to exceed the level that you are currently producing at.

It’s probably the most common area of concern that we deal with when on-boarding new wedding studios into our outsource wedding video editing program. We understand that your success is defined by the quality of the product you hand over to your client.

Whatever your expectations are and whatever style you require for your outsource wedding video editing projects, my team is here to accommodate your needs and adapt what we do for you.

That’s our guarantee!

 guarantee for wedding video editing

The above example is an outsource wedding video editing highlights film produced by the team at Studio Moguls

Why Do Wedding Studios Consider the Outsource Wedding Video Editing Path?

In our years of experience working with wedding studios from all over the world, there are 3 main reasons that wedding studios consider taking the leap into outsource wedding video editing. All of these reasons are very important – and they all contribute to building a sustainable business that can thrive for decades.

 → The first reason studios outsource wedding video editing to Studio Moguls is because they want to grow and scale their business.

It’s really quite simple. If you want to run a truly successful business that will be around in 10, 20 or 30 years time, you are not going to be able to do it alone. It’s going to take team of people to execute on your vision – and it’s going to involve letting go of the reins a little. As an owner of a wedding studio that has done more than 1,500 weddings since I started it in 2010, the wedding video editing was by far the most time consuming task – so that is the first thing I let go of.

I am not going to lie. Training a team to replicate your style can be challenging for a multitude of reasons. One of the most common reasons wedding studio owners struggle to take the first step to growing a business beyond themselves is the idea of letting go – and the fear associated with someone not being able to edit to the standards you have been delivering.

But I had the attitude that moving to an outsource wedding video editing model was the safest thing to let go of – because if it was not done correctly, it could always be fixed after the fact. The same cannot be said for hiring shooters – we only get one go at that!

Yes – I understand and hear you. No one is going to be able to execute on the wedding video editing like you do and produce exactly the same results – at least to start with! 

If you have the mindset that because no one will be able to do it like you – and you use that as justification for not handing your work over to another editor, the unfortunate reality is that in 5 years time you are still going to be stuck in front of your computer on your 30th coffee of the week being the head honcho of your wedding video editing team – cutting the preparations, ceremony, photoshoot and reception of yet another wedding (your 350th wedding of the decade) and feeling like its Groundhog Day – and a slave to your business!

When I thought of it this way – the first thing I did was a google search for outsource wedding video editing to see what options were available. That was not going to be me!

From that moment, I wanted to build a high quality team around me that could help deliver on the most time consuming and repetitive tasks in the business – of which wedding video editing is most certainly one.

With my new-found time, I was then able to focus on what was most important at that time such as the face to face sales meetings with clients, developing training resources for my growing team of shooters, spending more time on my digital marketing strategy and even better – looking at new markets outside of the wedding industry so that I had a more diverse offering of services. 

None of this would have been possible if I didn’t do that first google search for “outsource wedding video editing”. 

Of course my journey started with using local editors in my home city and then other outsource wedding video editing companies, and it culminated with building my own outsource wedding video editing company back in 2016. Overall though, going down the outsource wedding video editing path was the best thing I ever did for not only my wedding studio but for my career in general because with all the extra time I had, I was able to build a number of other businesses that complimented my wedding studio.

Above: An outsource wedding video editing example produced by the team at Studio Moguls

→ The second reason wedding video studios join our outsource wedding video editing program is because having a flexible lifestyle is important to them

From my perspective – lifestyle is everything.

I have made many business mistakes over the years but the one thing I didn’t get wrong was that my lifestyle was important to me and I was always going to structure my business around this value – and I made this decision from the start.

Sure, there is some sacrifice in handing over your RAW footage to someone else and commencing the outsource wedding video editing journey. For one, it costs you money. Many people in our industry would rather keep an extra couple of hundred dollars in their pocket and run themselves into the ground bit by bit over the course of years. It’s death by a thousand cuts. 

But I knew from the start, the above scenario was not ever going to happen to me. I wanted to be creatively free and always inspired – and if I was solely responsible for all of the wedding video editing for our studio, that was not going to be possible. The lightbulb well and truly went off for me: I had to outsource my wedding video editing or not have a business at all!

I also wanted choice as to what my next creative project was going to be and for that to happen, I needed time and space to develop new projects and bring them to life.

For every hour I was sitting in front of my machine editing wedding videos myself, as opposed to going down the outsource wedding video editing path, I was loosing that time to sit, think and create.

What I have learnt after many years in the outsource wedding video editing game is that wedding video editing has a formula that is quite easy for someone to replicate. That is why I have never been worried about following the outsourcing wedding video editing path – because it’s absolutely a task that someone else can do to a level that is close to 100% of what I want it to be.

The video above is an outsource wedding video editing example produced by the team at Studio Moguls

→ The third reason wedding studios engage us for their outsource wedding video editing needs is because we are affordable – even at scale

When we formed Studio Moguls back in 2016, we wanted to create an outsource wedding video editing solution that studios from all corners of the globe could rely on to not only deliver high quality edits to help clear backlogs when they arose, but we wanted to price ourselves in a way that made financial sense for our studios to use our outsource wedding video editing service on every wedding they filmed. 

Whist we do edit lots of “one-off” projects for studios from around the world to help clear their backlogs, our best work happens with our regular clients who deliver us 20, 30, 40 or even 80 outsource wedding video editing projects per year. We knew that for the average studio to send this much work over to us, we would have to be at a price point that was so attractive that it would be too hard to say “NO” to. 

We know you are in the wedding business to generate profit – so we wanted to make sure we were the best value outsource wedding video editing company in the market – and we think we are. 

We are confident our outsource wedding video editing pricing is perfectly suited to keep your profit margins high – even when you send us close to 100% of the weddings you shoot.   

Outsource Wedding Video Editing Pricing that is Simple, Easy & Flexible

All prices listed below for our outsource wedding video editing are in USD
** 10% GST will be added for Australian clients **
* Data is charged on top at 0.10c per gig you transfer to us *


There is no nasty surprises in our outsource wedding video editing service! Our process is simple, flexible and geared in a way to benefit you. 

How does the risk-free trial work?

Send us some footage and we will get started on your outsource wedding video editing project straight away. If you are NOT satisfied with the process then you will NOT pay for the edit. We will refund you the full deposit within 3 business days – no questions asked.

How do we get the files to you?

So we can get started on your outsource wedding video editing project, we have a few ways of receiving your files such as transferring of proxy files, posting hard drives etc. It’s all really seamless and easy to get the files to us wherever you are in the world and for us to get them back to you so we can start your outsource wedding video editing project. Just ask us!

What are the payment methods?

Payment for your outsource wedding video editing is online via credit card through our world-class secure gateway ‘Stripe’. Payment is required in full upfront prior to the commencement of editing. Risk-Free Trial customers pay 50% at the beginning and 50% on approval.

Where are you located?

Our head office is in Australia (Melbourne, Victoria to be specific). Our outsource wedding video editing team is located offshore in India. We work closely with our team on a daily basis to deliver projects to the highest of standards. Our editors all speak and write good English – so there are never any issues with communication. 

We need a different type of outsource wedding video editing service to what is listed above

Simply, we are built around flexibility and ease. If you do something different to the above services we have listed (and lots of you do) – then let us know and we will work around YOU. 

What happens if we need changes

We will work with you until you are happy with the outsource wedding video editing project you send to us. Every project we do comes with unlimited changes. If you deliver to your client and they have changes we can do those too. Just forward the feedback to us and we will do the rest! It’s all part of the service.

Does you cater for style matching

Absolutely yes! It’s the only way to make our outsource wedding video editing business work for you. We study your films and ask you a series of questions that will allow us to best understand your requirements. Because we aim to give you the same editor every time, we will have your style matched in no time!

What software do you edit with?

All outsource wedding video editing projects are done with the Adobe suite – Adobe Premiere Pro is the backbone of what we edit with. 

Ready to get started?

Start your outsource wedding video editing journey with a risk-free trial in less than 3 minutes 

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