Contact Us

We’re here to help – please reach out!

79 Green St Cremorne, Melbourne, Australia.

General Enquiry

More information on what we can do for you – pricing and anything else, please contact us here


Risk-Free Trial - Photo/Video Editing

New clients to Studio Moguls can get started by taking a risk-free trial with us. 


Partnership Outsourcing Trial

New clients wanting to trial our partnership outsource program can apply to join here


Submit A New Project

Current clients who wish to log a new project for a photo/video edit can do so using the ‘New Project Registration Form’

General Enquiry

More information on what we can do for you – pricing and anything else, please contact us here

Risk-Free Trial – Photo / Video Editing

New clients to Studio Moguls can get started by taking a risk-free trial with us. 

Partnership Outsourcing Trial

New clients to Studio Moguls can get started by taking a 30 day trial with us. 

Submit a New Project

Current clients who wish to log a new project can do so using the new project registration form